So, as many of my friends & family want to know.... When am I ever going to get my online store going??? Well, I finally decided to do something about it. I decided to work towards selling my items on Etsy.com. It's a website for everything handmade where people buy and sell. It's not Ebay as you don't bid for a price. It's just a cost-effective way for those who want to sell their handmade goods online without having to pay for all the set-up fees of creating your own online store!
These are just a few of the arrangements I'm planning to sell on the website. The vase arrangements will range from about $15-150 to start. Remember, these are all handmade flowers, each petal made by ME!

I'm looking forward to this new adventure and I'm hoping it will give me an opportunity to share my love for paper crafts with others. I'll update my website and blog when my creations are available for sale!
I hope you'll tell your friends and family where they can buy my floral designs. I will be posting new arrangements with new flowers as I build up inventory. There will be different vase styles, floral color combinations and more on the way. So stay tuned... But of course if you want to place a custom order at any time just send me a message.