Monday, July 29, 2013

First comes love, then comes marriage...

I am beyond stoked to share my customer Erin + Phil’s wedding pictures today. Stoked times infinity. For one thing, it’s just a downright gorgeous DIY wedding and within seconds of seeing their wedding pictures, I knew I had to share it with you all.

If there’s one thing I l-o-v-e about DIY weddings, it’s the mix of the old and the new. The expected and the unexpected; the classic design with the handcrafted touches woven in along the way. And if there were ever a wedding to swoon, it’d be this one that I was lucky enough to be chosen to design paper flowers for. One part cozy and another part chic, this DIYed wedding is worth a sweet, long look. Hoping for more pictures to come.

From the bride, Erin: I had some gorgeous paper bouquets and boutonnieres made my Fedeliza Yamson Burke. If you're looking for amazing talent and beautiful flowers to hold as keepsakes, check out Azilorchids  page.

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